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Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

    1. Manual creation

    2. Import from Companies House

    3. Import from accounting software

You can find overview of clients here

1. Creating clients

1.a Manual creation

  • You can add a client by navigating to Clients from left navigation bar and selecting Create client

  • You can select Business or Individual client type and fill the necessary details

  • In the contacts section, you can add a new contact directly, or using an existing contact from the dropdown. You can learn more about contacts here

  • Once all details are filled, you can save the client

1.b Import from Companies House

  • Cone auto fills data retrieved from Companies House. It also adds a Companies House details section

  • When a client is created with Companies House, client in Cone is mapped with the client from Companies House. Details fetched are not editable. You can re-fetch the details anytime with Resync option

ℹ️ To create a client with custom Companies House related fields, you will have to manually create a client from scratch

  • If you switch a client from Companies House to any other integration or to updating manually, mapping with Companies House will be removed and data will no longer be retrieved from Companies House

1.c Import from accounting software

  • You can import your customer information from connected accounting platforms to avoid duplicate data entry

2. Managing clients

  • You can view all clients in the listing page by clicking on Clients from the left navigation bar

  • You can search, and apply filters to view specific clients

3. Client workspace

Client workspace is the central hub for managing and viewing comprehensive details about each client within the platform. When you select a client in Cone, the client workspace presents a consolidated view of all relevant client information and interactions, enabling efficient management and oversight of the client relationship

You can learn more about client workspace from here

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